Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of Reset!!

Thank goodness! :D
It's definitely been a struggle. If I could go back 2 weeks ago, there are MANY things that I would've done differently. But, I can't go back. I can't undo anything that I did "wrong". All I can do is move forward... Well, honestly, that's only half-true. I COULD stay on the reset longer, which would probably be a good idea. However, I bought this program for the workouts, and I start those tomorrow.

Did I learn anything? YES! I've learned about portion size, and I've lost my reliability on carbs. I've learned that you don't NEED carbs when you're relatively inactive for energy. I've learned that good food makes you feel GREAT! And, bad food makes you feel terrible. I'll continue to learn, I'm forever "green"... As one of the best bosses I've ever had said "If you aren't 'green', you aren't growing!" If there's nothing left to learn, I might as well not be alive.

Tomorrow morning, expect a post with my weight and measurements. Starting fresh for a new phase! I'm very excited about this phase everyone! I can't wait to start working out! I can't wait to build some muscle, and burn more fat. I can't wait to lose more inches!

Also excited to continue on with my Bible study class, and, to study the Bible on my own.

By nature, I am a quitter. When things get too hard, I move on. This is not a healthy habit to keep, for there are many things in life that we just can't "quit"... Well, I suppose you can, but being a fairly level-headed and responsible person, it would just be counter productive. I'd piss off a lot of people, and not be happy with myself in the end. Any way, I'm making a big effort to continue forward, and to NOT QUIT.

As I've written before, failure is not an option for this girl! I have people who depend on me, and rely on me to be my best. You get back what you put in. Tomorrow, I start fresh! And I "put in" 110%! The only thing left to lose is the extra weight I'm carrying around.

I'm at the point in my life where things are good. I'm happy with myself. I love the person I've grown up to be. It's time to just let my light shine!